Art of Hydration
Everyone knows that a virtue of the skincare routine is moisturizing. But why? What is important about moisturizing, and why does it nourish our skin? Moisturizing helps us prevent dryness and oiliness in our skin and skin barrier. Moisturizing also helps our skin’s look, preventing makeup from looking patchy. So, how can we moisturize our skin to ensure the best result?
1.Daily facial cream
The first and foremost way to hydrate your skin is by using any sort of facial moisturizer every day. Keeping this pattern and getting your skin used to being moisturized and taken care of allows it to become more hydrated. Depending on your skin type, normal oily or combination, use different moisturizers with different goals for the skin depending on you.

2. Serums
Another way to keep your skin moisturized is by including moisturizing serums in your routine that will ensure that your skin stays moisturized. Some examples of hydrating acids are hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid. All of these serums, and more, help maintain the moisture in your skin throughout the day and ensure it stays all day.

3. Water
You might hear this everywhere and by everyone, drink water, water is important- but the thing is- it truly is! Water helps you moisturize in ways that you probably cannot imagine. Water helps the skin with blood flow, and removes toxins and waste from the skin. Drinking water also gives your skin the glowy look that you are looking for, makeup or no makeup.

4. Exfoliate
By exfoliating the skin, we drop all of those dead skin cells that we no longer need and allow for the new, rejuvenated ones to grow and shine on our faces. Once the dead skin cells leave our body, our new cells can absorb all the moisture your products have to offer. Exfoliating is extremely important to have in your routine because it can help remove the dead skin cells, and replace them with new, and moisturized ones

5. Be consistent!
You know your skin best, and that way you know how to help it more than anyone. The most important part of any skincare routine and moisturizing is knowing your skin type and knowing what will serve your skin. Make yourself familiar with your skin type and know what your body needs.